jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Part I, blood sport. (pages 7-47)

The first part of the book is about Carietta (Carrie) N. White, who lives with her mother, Margaret White, who is a fanatic of his own religion that she created based on the normal christianity. Carrie doesn't have a very good life, she is constantly grounded unfairly by her crazy mother, and also by her classmates . At the beginning of the novel, it is introduced the Ewen High School that it´s located at a fictional Chamberlain, Maine. The trouble start when she has her first period at the showers of the gym. Carrie was terrified, because she never heard about it (mostly because of her mothers fault), and believes she is bleeding to death. Her classmates begins to make funny of it, and laugh and start  throwing her tampons and sanitary napkins. But the her gym teacher, Rita Desjardin, heard all the noise, and enter to aid Carrie and tells to her classmates that they were going to pay. A light bulb in the shower explodes just up to Carrie and her teacher when they were leaving the room. When her mother finds out about the incident, she gets angry with Carrie, and tells her that it´s a punishment of God because of her sins, and locks her in a closet  to pray for forgiveness. 

Page 33: Giggled.
"She giggled a strange, affrighted in the solemn stillness of the living room." 
Giggled means to do a kind of laugh that comes from a joke.
For example: I saw my friend falling from his desk and I started giggling.

Page 36: Clumsily
 "Hey, said alarmed. Oh hey. He held her clumsily".
Clumsily means to do something with kind of a wrong aptitude. 
For example: I write my essay with clumsily.

Page 40: Hoax
"...as Gerald Luponet for claiming the whole thing is a hoax and fraud."
Hoax means a joke.
I tell my fried that I broke his pen, but it was a hoax.

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