jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Part I blood sport (pages 48-87)

On this second half of the first part, it´s told that the next day of the incident, the Carrie gymnastics teacher, orders the girls who laugh of Carrie, to serve a week's detention in the gym. The lead bully, Chris Hargensen, refuses and is suspended for three days and she is also banned from Ewen High's prom. Another girl that also bother and laugh of Carrie, called Sue Snell, feels remorse for her  actions and offers Carrie to be friends. Carrie starts to discover that she has telekinetic powers, and learns how to keep them under control.Sue has the idea of make her boyfriend, Tommy Ross, to ask Carrie to go to the prom together. Margaret forbids her from go to the night prom, but Carrie uses her powers to help stand up for herself. Angry because she was banned from the prom, Chris and her boyfriend, Billy Nolan, make a plan to humiliate Carrie in front of the entire school. Billy kill a pig at a nearby farm and drain its blood into two buckets. She then rigs the buckets over the stage on a rafter hidden out of sight. The first part ends with Billy driving to the school to carry out with the plan.

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