martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Part II, Prom night (pages 132-173)

Carrie returns home and confronts her mother and her mother tells her that she borned because her mother was rape, and this makes Carrie get angry and use her mental powers to stop her mothers heart and kill her. then she decides to go to the roadhouse where her mother was rape. She noted that Chris and Billy, making love inside. They noted that Carrie was outside, and they exit the roadhouse just as Carrie arrives, and attempt to run her down with Billy's car, but Carrie used her powers to crash the car and kills both of them. Carrie then collapses in the parking lot from blood loss.
Sue arrives on the scene and finds Carrie in the parking lot. Carrie use her powers to talk with Sue inside their minds. She thought that Sue was also involved in the prank of the prom, but she realize that Sue never had bad intentions and forgives her . She then cries out for her mother and dies. Terror-stricken, Sue runs away from the roadhouse. Sue is relieved when her period begins, though it is implied Carrie caused her to miscarry in an act of kindness.

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