miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Part II, Prom Night (pages 89-131)

The second part start with Carrie dressing up for her prom night. Her mother opposed her because she didn´t want her to go with Tommy to the prom. She use her powers to defend herself from her mother, and finally she went to the prom night. Carrie and Tommy are elected prom king and queen. Once on stage, Carrie and Tommy are drenched with the pig blood by Chris. One of the buckets falls on Tommy's head, mortally hurting him. Carrie again becomes the subject of her classmates' ridicule, and decides to use her power to exact revenge upon Ewen High. She locks the gym's doors and turns on the sprinkler system, electrocuting two students; she then sets fire to the gym, leaving everyone inside to die. This quickly reaches the TV news, and they start to talk about.

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