miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Part III, the wreckage.

Four months after the accidents, the Tv news talks about the accident and how it happened. The town is now empty and the only survivors are the director from Carrie´s school and her gymnastics teacher, and Sue.
Sue decides to talk about what happened in the town with the TV news.
The book closes with a letter written by a woman in Tennesee whose daughter is developing telekinetic powers.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Part II, Prom night (pages 132-173)

Carrie returns home and confronts her mother and her mother tells her that she borned because her mother was rape, and this makes Carrie get angry and use her mental powers to stop her mothers heart and kill her. then she decides to go to the roadhouse where her mother was rape. She noted that Chris and Billy, making love inside. They noted that Carrie was outside, and they exit the roadhouse just as Carrie arrives, and attempt to run her down with Billy's car, but Carrie used her powers to crash the car and kills both of them. Carrie then collapses in the parking lot from blood loss.
Sue arrives on the scene and finds Carrie in the parking lot. Carrie use her powers to talk with Sue inside their minds. She thought that Sue was also involved in the prank of the prom, but she realize that Sue never had bad intentions and forgives her . She then cries out for her mother and dies. Terror-stricken, Sue runs away from the roadhouse. Sue is relieved when her period begins, though it is implied Carrie caused her to miscarry in an act of kindness.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Part II, Prom Night (pages 89-131)

The second part start with Carrie dressing up for her prom night. Her mother opposed her because she didn´t want her to go with Tommy to the prom. She use her powers to defend herself from her mother, and finally she went to the prom night. Carrie and Tommy are elected prom king and queen. Once on stage, Carrie and Tommy are drenched with the pig blood by Chris. One of the buckets falls on Tommy's head, mortally hurting him. Carrie again becomes the subject of her classmates' ridicule, and decides to use her power to exact revenge upon Ewen High. She locks the gym's doors and turns on the sprinkler system, electrocuting two students; she then sets fire to the gym, leaving everyone inside to die. This quickly reaches the TV news, and they start to talk about.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Part I blood sport (pages 48-87)

On this second half of the first part, it´s told that the next day of the incident, the Carrie gymnastics teacher, orders the girls who laugh of Carrie, to serve a week's detention in the gym. The lead bully, Chris Hargensen, refuses and is suspended for three days and she is also banned from Ewen High's prom. Another girl that also bother and laugh of Carrie, called Sue Snell, feels remorse for her  actions and offers Carrie to be friends. Carrie starts to discover that she has telekinetic powers, and learns how to keep them under control.Sue has the idea of make her boyfriend, Tommy Ross, to ask Carrie to go to the prom together. Margaret forbids her from go to the night prom, but Carrie uses her powers to help stand up for herself. Angry because she was banned from the prom, Chris and her boyfriend, Billy Nolan, make a plan to humiliate Carrie in front of the entire school. Billy kill a pig at a nearby farm and drain its blood into two buckets. She then rigs the buckets over the stage on a rafter hidden out of sight. The first part ends with Billy driving to the school to carry out with the plan.

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

Part I, blood sport. (pages 7-47)

The first part of the book is about Carietta (Carrie) N. White, who lives with her mother, Margaret White, who is a fanatic of his own religion that she created based on the normal christianity. Carrie doesn't have a very good life, she is constantly grounded unfairly by her crazy mother, and also by her classmates . At the beginning of the novel, it is introduced the Ewen High School that it´s located at a fictional Chamberlain, Maine. The trouble start when she has her first period at the showers of the gym. Carrie was terrified, because she never heard about it (mostly because of her mothers fault), and believes she is bleeding to death. Her classmates begins to make funny of it, and laugh and start  throwing her tampons and sanitary napkins. But the her gym teacher, Rita Desjardin, heard all the noise, and enter to aid Carrie and tells to her classmates that they were going to pay. A light bulb in the shower explodes just up to Carrie and her teacher when they were leaving the room. When her mother finds out about the incident, she gets angry with Carrie, and tells her that it´s a punishment of God because of her sins, and locks her in a closet  to pray for forgiveness. 

Page 33: Giggled.
"She giggled a strange, affrighted in the solemn stillness of the living room." 
Giggled means to do a kind of laugh that comes from a joke.
For example: I saw my friend falling from his desk and I started giggling.

Page 36: Clumsily
 "Hey, said alarmed. Oh hey. He held her clumsily".
Clumsily means to do something with kind of a wrong aptitude. 
For example: I write my essay with clumsily.

Page 40: Hoax
"...as Gerald Luponet for claiming the whole thing is a hoax and fraud."
Hoax means a joke.
I tell my fried that I broke his pen, but it was a hoax.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013


As I said before, is the first novel that he published. He really did not want to write it, in fact throw away the first three pages, but his wife forced him to finish. Carrie is about a teenager girl who is abused by her mother, who is a religious fanatic and his classmates who constantly bully she. One day in the showers after the gymnastics class, she had her first menstrual period, she freaks out, because she thinks that she was bleeding out, because her mother never talks with her about that, and all the girls in the showers start to make funny of she. Then the gymnastics teacher help Carrie and when they were leaving out strangely a light explodes on them. On the next day, the teacher punishes her classmates. One of the girls refuse to the teacher order and causes the school to suspend her for three days and she is not allowed anymore to the graduation party. Another girl starts feeling bad about Carrie and decide to be friends and makes her boyfriend to go with Carrie to the graduation party. But it was a plan to humiliate her in front of all the school. The day of the party, Carrie and the boyfriend of the girl, are named queen a king, but it was all part of the plan; suddenly a bucket with pig blood falls on she, and other falls on the boys head, making him die. She was very sad and angry and start to run out, but she remember the light that explode, and she return to the scenario to take revenge with her mental power, she closes all the doors and start a fire, killing almost all the people that were there, only the gymnastics teacher and a few students can escape through the emergency doors.
Stephen Edwin King borned in Portland, Maine, USA, on September 21 1947.  He is a very famous horror writer.

He start to write when he was thirteen, he first sent his works to magazines without receiving any money and without positive results. On 1966 to 1971, he studied english at Maine College in Orono where he meet Tabitha, and the they got married on 1971. His first novel to be published, is Carrie, however is not his first novel, actually it is the fourth novel that he wrote. Then he start to being more and more famous, and he also had win a lot of prizes, like the British Fantasy Society, on 1987, because of his famous novel "IT". He is also the creator of one of the more famous horror novels, "The shining", that is also a movie directed by Stanley Kubrick.